Fixed Access Platforms


Guardrail Protection System – GuardFormTM

GuardformTM is a guardrail protection system used for machine guarding in the StepformTM access product range.

In the hazard control hierarchy, Guarding is one of the most effective ways to control hazards. It offers a suitable and an effective measure in eliminating risk or hazards for moving machinery.

Why Minimise Hazard for Machine Operators?

In today's industries, we rely heavily on machines and also we tend to work at a quicker pace to maintain a high level of efficiency.

This increases the hazard to operators. Given the highly regulated OH&S rules and regulations, it is imperative to implement the highest level of control possible.

What is the Solution to Moving Machinery Hazards?

When machines cannot be eliminated from the processes, the most effective control is to guard any moving parts, or high temperature surfaces that could cause injury to operators.

Why choose GuardForm as your Access Solution and Guarding/Protection?

Guardform can offer a high level of protection.

In similar way to all other Stepform products, it is versatile due to its fully modular system.

It can be used as a standalone system or it can be integrated into Stepform plus and Lite modular system.

Given the extensive versatility of the system, GuardForm can be: 

  1. Floored mounted to enclose equipment
  2. Incorporated into existing equipment or structures
  3. A removable guarding, hinged openings or access doors can be integrated into it
  4. Multitude of hinges sensors, latches and Locks can be fitted to it

Although for this system we do not offer the electrical safety system, we do cater for all bracket and mounting points for any system or sensors you wish to use.